Friday, November 4, 2016

Sex before sport doesn't negatively impact performance

Over the course of the Rio Olympics, 450,000 condoms were distributed around the athlete's village. This may be surprising considering the common view that abstinence from sexual activity can boost athletic performance.
These long-standing views have now been challenged by a recent analysis of current scientific evidence, published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Physiology.
"Abstaining from sexual activity before athletic competition is a controversial topic in the world of sport;" said Laura Stefani, an Assistant Professor of Sports Medicine at the University of Florence, Italy, and lead author of this review;"We show no robust scientific evidence to indicate that sexual activity has a negative effect upon athletic results."
The authors sifted through hundreds of studies with the potential to provide evidence, however big or small, on the impact of sexual activity upon sport performance. After setting a number of criteria to filter out the most reliable of these studies, only nine were included in the review.
One of these found that the strength of female former athletes did not differ if they had sex the night before. Another actually observed a beneficial effect on marathon runners' performance. While these small handful of studies provided some clues about the real effects of sex on sport performance, Dr. Stefani and her colleagues were disappointed with the research on this subject to date.
"We clearly show that this topic has not been well investigated and only anecdotal stories have been reported;" explained Dr. Stefani; "In fact, unless it takes place less than two hours before, the evidence actually suggests sexual activity may have a beneficial effect on sports performance."
The review also revealed that males were more frequently investigated than females, with no comparison of effects across genders. In addition, it highlights that cultural differences in attitudes towards sexual activity may influence how much or how little impact it may have. Dr. Stefani emphasizes other factors that have been ignored.
"No particular importance has been laid on the psychological or physical effects of sexual activity on sports performance, or upon the different kinds of sports."
This is an important point, given each sport's different mental and physical challenges.
This review demonstrates the need for proper scientific investigation into the impact of sexual activity on sport performance, clarifying any ethical, gender and sport differences.
The authors conclude that because the current evidence debunks the long-held abstinence theories, athletes should not feel guilty when engaging in their usual sexual activity up to the day before competition.

Online social media use does not impair our ability to concentrate

Using online social media does not lead to long-term problems with our ability to concentrate, according to new research published in the International Journal Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments.
We are social animals, so it is really no surprise that billions of us now use online tools to communicate, educate and inform each other. The advent of social media and social networking has nevertheless been phenomenally rapid. "These networks have become an imprint of our everyday life and part of pop culture, revolutionizing the way people communicate and in the way organizations act, says Deborah Carstens of the Florida Institute of Technology."With the abundance of technological devices, an increasing number of users of all ages rely on technology and specifically social media."
There are, however, worries about the impact such tools have on our psyche and our ability to concentrate, for instance. Now research from Carstens' team and their colleagues at Barry University also in Florida, demonstrates that despite the often skittish and transient nature of online social interactions there is no difference to be seen in the attention span or "offline" sociability of occasional users and frequent users of online social media. These modern communication tools do not, it seems, interfere with our primal instincts, such as long-term attitudes, time appreciation, and concentration, in the way that many critics have suggested in recent years.
"Social media is not a fad as it continues to play an increasing role in the individuals' lives. Understanding how to utilize this social media epidemic to enhance learning, relationships and business knowledge is essential as individuals are spending an increasing amount of time on these networks," the researchers conclude.

Females react differently than males to social isolation

While male and female mice have similar responses to physical stress, research from the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary, Canada, suggests females, not males, feel stressed when alone.
The findings, to be published in the journal, provide further proof that strategies for coping with stress are sex-specific. They also highlight the importance of a social network for females in particular and pave the way for future research into whether females befriend others as a coping mechanism during stressful situations.
"Many species, including humans, use social interaction to reduce the effects of stress. In fact, the lack of a social network may itself be stressful," says senior author Jaideep Bains, PhD, Professor of Physiology & Pharmacology at the University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine.
"Recent research suggests that young girls are more sensitive to social stress than boys. This could mean that social networks are more important for females in general, and that young females from different species, such as mice, may be more sensitive towards social isolation than males."
To test whether isolating individuals from their social group impacts on the brain in sex-specific ways, Bains and his team studied preadolescent mice that had been housed in same-sex groups after weaning. These mice were either left in their same-sex groups, housed in pairs, or were isolated altogether from their littermates for 16 to 18 hours. Following this period, the team examined the effects on the animals' brain cells that control the release of stress hormones.
"Isolating the female mice from their littermates for less than a day led to the release of a signalling chemical called corticosterone, which is produced in response to stressful situations and decreases the excitability of the brain cells," says medical student Laura Senst, lead author of the study. "This reaction was not evident in their male counterparts."
This led the team to believe that only young female mice, and not males, interpret social isolation as a type of stress. If this were true, it would mean that males should experience physical stress in a similar way to the isolated females through activities such as swimming.
After both sexes of mice experienced a 20-minute swim, the researchers indeed discovered that the activity elicited the same reaction in males as that seen in the females that had been isolated and also swam. This suggests both sexes have the same sensitivity towards physical stress.
"By showing that males and females react differently to some types of stress but not others, our study highlights the importance of considering carefully the sex of animals when investigating how stress affects the brain," says Research Associate Dinara Baimoukhametova, co-lead author of the paper.
"Our findings also raise the interesting question of whether social and environmental changes during the crucial preadolescent stage of development could have long-term consequences for how males and females respond to stressful events later in life."

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Romantic Love Really Can Last Forever According To Recent Study

There may now be hard science behind the notion that romantic love can last a lifetime

A neurological study from Stony Brook University revealed that couples who experience romantic love long-term keep their brains firing in similar ways to couples who have just fallen in love.

The research team, led by Bianca P. Acevedo and Arthur Aron, found that the “dopamine-rich brain regions associated with reward, motivation and ‘wanting’” were activated in similar ways in couples newly in love and those who experienced “romantic love” over the course of many years. They defined romantic love as characterized by “intensity, engagement and sexual interest.” This type of love was associated with marital satisfaction, well-being, high self-esteem, and relationship longevity.

What does it all mean?

It means that couples who maintain “intensity, engagement and sexual interest” without that extra layer of anxiety associated with “obsessive love” can, in fact, sustain the sparkly, cloud-nine, butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling of being in love. This optimistic conclusion led Acevedo to state: “Couples should strive for love with all the trimmings… Couples who’ve been together a long time and wish to get back their romantic edge should know it is an attainable goal that, like most good things in life, requires energy and devotion.”

If lasting love is an attainable goal, what’s getting in our way of achieving it? What keeps so many people from maintaining that excitement and closeness they once felt with a partner? And how can long-term couples rekindle a fire that’s started to dwindle?

I would argue that couples can preserve “romantic love” by avoiding a “Fantasy Bond.”

It’s a concept developed by my father, psychologist Robert Firestone, to describe an illusion of connection that a couple forms which replaces real acts of love, affection, and relating. A fantasy bond exists when the form of a relationship becomes more important than the substance. In these relationships, a couple starts to forego their individuality, losing the “me” to become a “we.”

As Robert Firestone explains it: “Perhaps the most significant sign that a fantasy bond has been formed is when one or both partners give up vital areas of personal interest, their unique points of view and opinions, their individuality, to become a unit, a whole. The attempt to find security in an illusion of merging with another leads to an insidious and progressive loss of identity in each person.”

This loss of identity is detrimental to sustaining romantic love. Our initial attractions are very much based on a sense of interest in; an intensity toward; and an attraction to a separate person. This combination of emotional, intellectual, and physical engagement is necessary to keep love alive. Yet we forego this excitement in favor of a safer arrangement in which we regard our partners as extensions of ourselves, instead of appreciating them for the autonomous individuals they are.

We do this because, although most of us say we want real love, many of us actually find it hard to tolerate. Real love threatens our defenses. It can feel uncertain and unsafe to care so deeply for someone else or to be seen in a different light than we’ve been seen or have come to see ourselves over the years.

As my father wrote, the fantasy bond “explains people’s compulsion to relive the past with new relationships, i.e., to form illusory connections that invariably lead to a reenactment of defensive styles of interacting developed in childhood… Once a fantasy bond is formed, individuals prefer to maintain a defensive posture rather than trusting and investing genuine feeing in others.”

A fantasy bond allows us to feel secure and connected to someone else, while numbing us against some of the more painful emotions that love stirs up, such as existential anxiety, fear of loss, or memories of hurt, longing, or rejection.

Unfortunately, we cannot selectively block out pain without also blocking out joy. Without knowing it, couples tend to set up routines and fit each other into roles rather than face the unpredictability and inherent challenges that come with maintaining passion, excitement, and a deep sense of fondness for another person, separate from themselves.

Signs that you may be in a fantasy bond:

    Less eye contact
    Breakdowns in communication
    Less frequent affection and less personal, more routinized lovemaking
    Loss of independence
    Speaking as one person, overusing “we” statements
    Using everyday routines as symbols of closeness, in place of being emotionally close
    Engaging in role-determined behaviors (father, wife, breadwinner, decision-maker), rather than developing yourself based on your personal goals and interests
    Using customs and conventional responses as substitutes for real closeness and relating

If your relationship has some of these qualities, don’t despair: A fantasy bond exists on a continuum. Once you realize that you have fallen into some form of it, it’s possible to reemerge as a happier, more in-love version of yourself. You must first investigate and explore how the bond manifests itself and hurts your current relationship. Then you can stop the behaviors that maintain the fantasy connection and engage in behaviors that encourage real, meaningful contact with your partner. You can stop reenacting hurtful dynamics and strengthen your capacity to love and be loved. Ultimately, you can become the person you want to be in your relationship—minus the fairytale, but with a much happier ending.

Romantic Partners: Vive La Difference!

Romantic Partners – The case for letting it ride

When romantic partners encounter differences, they usually try to talk about it.  Conventional wisdom tells us that this is an essential way to work things out. Unfortunately, talking about it often leads to arguments and hurt feelings.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, NOT talking about it can be a good idea.

That’s right.  A psychologist, who makes her living “talking about it,” says, “Don’t talk about it!” There is, of course, a world of difference between romantic partners talking about it and a psychologist and client talking about it.  Only one is being paid for expertise by a presumablly willing, even eager, client.

The case for letting it ride  
1)  Getting the effect you’re hoping for by talking about it requires an exceptional partner. 
While we are infatuated, we believe that our partners are exceptional.  We mistakenly believe that being in love inspires exceptional willingness to make accommodations.  And, though we say we don’t believe in fairy-tales, we believe that our love story will be exceptional.
Sooner or later, it becomes apparent that our love story is no fairy-tale, and we feel compelled to confront our romantic partners and talk about it.  Then, we learn that our partners are not at all exceptional in one very important way.  They seem unwilling or unable to change to better suit us.
2) Spouses are not renovation projects. 
As differences emerge and disenchantment sets in, partners air dissatisfaction's, hoping for behavior change.

When we air dissatisfaction's and request behavior changes, we think we are being reasonable.  We tell ourselves and our partners that we are simply giving feedback, offering constructive criticism, trying to improve the relationship.  In fact, we are attempting to renovate our romantic partners.
When we receive requests for behavior change, we recognize that our partners want to change us. We feel criticized, under-appreciated, attacked.  We react defensively or counter attack.
Unhealthy habits of interaction take shape.
3)  Although you cannot change your partner, you can change yourself.
To improve your relationship, practice these behaviors:
  • Assume that your romantic partner is a well-intention adult who is appropriately interested in your welfare.  If you cannot safely assume this, see previous posts: Great Mistakes: The Big Six Red Flags – Parts 1 & 2.  Otherwise, don’t be surprised when behaving like a parent – trying to tweak your spouse’s behavior – elicits child-like behavior.
  • Stop talking about your “issues.”  Live free of all those stupid arguments that invariably result from bringing up, for the umpteenth time, pet peeves, perceived mistreatment, and unresolved conflicts.  Live free of histrionic bids for sympathy and understanding or attempts to extract long overdue apologies.
  • Give up trying to change your partner.  Imagine receiving the gift of love, free of disparaging comments or demands to justify behavior. Give that blessed gift to your partner.
  • Improve yourself rather than your partner.  Learn to manage expectations, insecurities, anxieties, and dark moods.  Direct energy toward taking command of negative reactions and inhibiting impulses to blame your partner.  See previous posts: The One and Only Marital Obligation, How to Train Your Dragon, Walking the Path Alone: Self-responsible Spouse.
  • Connect with your partner on anything and everything except your “issues.”  When you talk, discuss shared interests and concerns, express positive reactions and emotions, and reinforce desired behaviors.

Express Your Anger Without Pushing Him Away

Bottling up your anger or expressing it the wrong way can instantly result in a loss of intimacy in your relationship.  Next time you’re inclined to either “tell him off” or “hold it in,” follow these steps and watch how they powerfully bring your man closer.
Just letting out your feelings all over a man by “telling him off” will only push him away.  And “stuffing down” your feelings by pretending (to him, or to yourself) that you feel something else will also create distance between you and a man.  Here’s why…and what to do instead so you not only say what you really want, but you draw a man closer to you because of it.

Our self-esteem depends on how honest we are with ourselves, and the moment we say or do something that is not being true to what’s really going on with us, our self-esteem goes down.  And as our self-esteem goes down, we become less attractive.  A man is naturally drawn to a woman who is in tune with her feelings and who has both the confidence and the self-love to NOT put up with what doesn’t feel good.
Usually, we bottle up our anger so much that we wind up unleashing it on a man in a way he can’t hear – or we express anger about something completely different than what we’re actually angry about.

If you’ve ever blown up at a man because he didn’t pick up after himself when you were actually craving more romance and attention from him, you know what I mean.  You were really feeling angry about feeling unloved, not about his dirty socks.


So, if we’re feeling hurt, disappointed and angry, how do we “let it out” truthfully in a way that increases his attraction to us and changes whatever is going on that made us angry in the first place?
  1. STOP.  Interrupt whatever you’re about to do or say – it hasn’t worked before.
  2. Sit down.  Don’t go somewhere else so he won’t see you.
  3. Take a deep breath.  Let it out, and then breathe in and out two more times.  Imagine the air flowing all the way down your body and relaxing each body part as it touches it.
  4. Find the feeling. Let’s say he made plans to do something else when you were hoping for a romantic evening.  Know what the feeling is NOT:  It’s NOT “I’m so glad you made other plans, because I really wanted to spend the evening alone washing my hair.”  You know you feel BAD.  You know you feel disappointed and angry.
5.Tell the truth.  Without saying the word “you” (which only serves to blame him and make him defensive), say:  “I feel bad,” or “I feel disappointed,” or “I feel angry.”
  1. Don’t back down.  You might feel vulnerable and afraid that you’ve gone too far.  You haven’t.  If he apologizes, thank him.  And then say, “”I don’t like feeling bad (or disappointed or angry). It makes me feel turned off.”
  2. That’s it; you’re done.  Listen to what he has to say, but don’t get into a discussion about it.  Your goal here was simply to honor your feelings (and therefore yourself) by communicating your feelings to him.
  3. Immediately do something that makes you happy.  It could be something as small as making yourself a cup of tea or going for a walk.  The point is that you are taking care of yourself rather than expecting him to do so, which makes you even more attractive in his eyes.

The next time you feel yourself welling up with anger and unsure about how to handle it, try the steps above.  It takes practice to reverse long-standing patterns, but you can do it.  Once you do, I know you’ll feel so much better about yourself – and so much more adored by the man in your life.  The stronger you feel, the more the anger will dissolve, and you will discover a whole new level of intimacy in your relationship.

Hillary PANICKED Over Monica Lewinsky Tell-All

Leaked emails reveal what Clinton REALLY thinks of Bill's mistress. 

Hillary Clinton was so worried about having her dirty laundry aired out during her time as Secretary of State, the 68-year-old had aides debrief her on all Clinton-related books and shows, newly leaked emails reveal.

After WikiLeaks released more than 1,000 messages from Hillary’s private email server yesterday, it was revealed that the prez hopeful’s then Counselor and Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, was tasked with pouring through Taylor Branch’s salacious book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History in the White House, as well as PBS’ documentary series, American Perspective.

PHOTOS: 10 Shocking Revelations From Hillary Clinton’s Latest Email Leak

“There are few surprises in this book,” Mills said of Branch’s tell-all, adding that that author refrained from disclosing certain information about Monica Lewinsky for fear of becoming a “witness” against Bill Clinton‘s infamous mistress.

Later in her summary, Mills delivered some good news to Hillary, noting that Branch failed to include a proper index in his book, making it much more difficult to find specific references to the Clinton’s career history.

As for PBS’ docu-series, WikiLeaks revealed that in 2012, Hillary had aide Robert Russo print an article slamming the network for its slanted portrayal of the Clinton legacy.

“How unfortunate, in my view, for PBS’ reputation and the integrity of its American Perspective series on the presidency,” the article’s author, Lanny J. Davis, wrote of the show. “And how unfair to Bill and Hillary Clinton.”

Do you think Hillary is still desperate to take control of her image? Will WikiLeaks ruin her 2016 presidential campaign? Let us know what you think.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Another Twisted Obama Sister! Sasha CAUGHT In New Party Scandal At Just 15

Shocking photos of wild Malia's younger sibling surface on social media.

Malia Obama isn’t the only first daughter who could be spinning out of control. has learned that her younger sister Sasha – just 15 years old – is caught in her very first scandal, over shocking photos that have emerged online.

Radar has viewed two photos of a young girl that appear to be Sasha, at a crowded party surrounded by cans and red plastic cups.

The photos were posted on Saturday night, October 1, with the captions “Taking shots with Sasha Obama” and “When Sasha Obama is at your party.”

Sasha wears tight white jeans in the photos, with a tiny gray crop top and a black bra peeking out.

She also wears a black choker with a small silver charm on it, which she has been photographed wearing several times over the past year.

Although this is the first party scandal for Sasha, her sister Malia, 18, was caught smoking pot in a video obtained by Radar in July, and then was photographed with a bong at a dorm party in September.

Neither the President nor Michelle Obama have commented on either girl’s behavior.

Brad Pitt Fears Angelina Jolie’s Latest Divorce Shocker


Angie throws a plot twist at Brad as the custody battle begins.

The divorce battle has only begun for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie — and so far, things are about to get a lot more sour.

The 41-year-old actress has reportedly added two more top-notch lawyers to her team — joining celebrity divorce lawyer Laura Wasser — to fight Brad, 52, for everything she wants from their split.

Beefing up her legal team comes right on the heels of Jolie allegedly claiming she is refusing to cooperate with officials about Brad being accused of getting into a drunken violent and confrontation with son Maddox, last month — one day before Angie filed for divorce.

PHOTOS: Drugs! Affairs! 10 Secret Signs Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Were Headed For Divorce

An insider told that Pitt “volunteered to do drug and alcohol testing” even though “it was not required” so that he and Angie could come to a mutual decision over the custody battle of their six children — Maddox, 15, Pax, 12, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10, Vivenne and Knox Jolie-Pitt, 8.

Sources also told Radar that Jolie’s divorce decision wasn’t due to the “ safety” of her children, but moreso for the sake of her family’s overall “health.”

But Jolie saddling up with additional top lawyers behind the scenes may cause more fears for Pitt. As Radar previously reported, Jolie and their six children are hiding away up in a Malibu mansion while she seeks sole physical custody.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Monica Bellucci Poses Nude On Paris Match

Monica Bellucci is about to turned 52-year-old and is not better way to celebrate than to be photographed swimming naked for the French magazine “has occurred Paris Match “.
The interpreter ‘Irreversible’ emerges from the water and reveals its charms to the natural.

Monica Bellucci goes nude for Paris Match magazine

“The desire is not quenched.”
What I can say is that soon I will be 52-year-old and can not imagine having sex without love. Over time, sex becomes more reflective, perhaps, but enjoying more intensely. When in a relationship, sensuality and sexuality are, it’s magnificent. “Survive over time , ” added the sexy actress. The actress did not hesitate to publish some photos on her Instagram account.
The actress goes nude for the pages of the magazine “Paris Match”.
“The desire is not quenched.” When you’re young, it’s driven by a main hormonal desire. “Over time, sex it becomes more reflective, perhaps, but the enjoyment is stronger” she said.

Monica Bellucci reveals her sex life in age of 52

She added: “What I can say is that soon I’ll be 52-year-old . And I can’t imagine now having sex without love As an actress, I have a public image, as a woman, I have to keep my secret garden to protect myself and my children”.
In the note, the goddess reflected on how they live their sexuality in middle age and also gave details of her work On the Milky Road , film Emir Kusturica that it features.
Last year was one of the Bond girls, opposite Daniel Craig in ” Spectre 007 “, the British Sam Mendes. The actress who is preparing for the remake of “series Twin Peaks , ” the original of David Lynch, expanded on the stars and age. Tribu Magazine


Tasteful Nudity : Mariah Carey Lying Naked In Bubble Bathtub

Mariah Carey would like to show her fans how tight she is with herself, so it seemed the diva a brilliant idea to share some naked selfies on social media.
Enjoying one, in all probability, well deserved hot tub, the singer leaves little to the imagination. Mariah can just hide behind the bubble, but it is clear that the 46-year-old diva – of course – completely naked lies soaking.

Star Nudity! Mariah Carey’s naked selfies in bubble bathtub

Mariah was not “ducking” gone, witness her makeup, which is still untouched seen on the face of the singer. Also, it is to see that they are positioned on the foam has tact crowded places.

Anyway, one thing is certain: as long as Mariah is good in her skin, she will always treat her fans naughty snapshots.
As the years pass and the diva becomes unpredictable that exhibitionist. Very busy to show her boobs, butts and so on to each of her appearances, the singer has just two strong publishing pictures of her while naked train splash in the bath. Why ? Because why not of course!
In the second photo, a selfie this time, his look – very, very, VERY painted – is much more direct, and this time the foam cover over much of her impressive chest. In explanation to this small aquatic shoot, Mariah Carey simply wrote: “It’s time bubble selfie.” Why ? Because why you were warned ..

5 Benefits You Get Of Morning Sex

Because, even without knowing the reason, we all love morning . We put good, we are more active all day and function better in our personal relationships.
According to a study by Queen’s University Belfast, in London, The Morning sex improves the quality of life and functioning of body organs.
For best results, the researchers recommend practicing at least three times a week. “The morning sex has several features, all in favor” , says Dr. Walter Ghedin , psychiatrist and sexologist.
According to the study published in the journal New Scientist , during sleep they occur different physiological processes that cleanse the mind of impurities or wastes generated during the day.

Here we leave the 5 main benefits:

1. Increases the defenses

The morning sex generates antibodies that are responsible for immune function and protect us against attack by pathogens.

2. Protects the heart

Having sex to wake prevents cardiovascular disease, improves blood circulation , reduces pressure and decreases the risk of stroke.

3. Help to lose weight

Burns about 300 calories per hour, which serves to lose and maintain body weight.
Also, being a good exercise reduces the risk of diabetes, strengthens bones, joints and muscles and relieves chronic pain such as arthritis or migraine.

4. It makes us attractive

Orgasm increases levels of estrogen and hormones directly related to the brightness and smoothness of the skin. T Ambien is an ally for hair health.

5. Increases testosterone levels

By practicing morning sex, men have an extra benefit: they produce more testosterone. That’s helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Queeneth Agbor Believes In Sex Before Marriage

Nigerian sexiest actress Queeneth Agbor has support and believe in sex before marriage, People should feel what they going to spend their life with their partner.
The Calabar-girl Nollywood celebrity assisted deliver this extraordinary revelation to mild all through an interview with the Punch.
She defined: “You need to know your package, I am just not implying just go involved with it anyway however analyze it. You should know what you will probably be entering, therefore you never commence being unfaithful on your own partner. Most partnerships that break up are exclusively for this reason problem. Therefore I think that it’s important that you simply can know everything you will probably be entering into.”

Queeneth Agbor : “People need to feel their partner before what you are going into”

She had shown that she did not get a role inside a movie which experienced Tonto Dikeh, as immediate celeb, because of the fact she turned down to obtain to rest along with the maker of one’s movie, inside a single of her job interview.

the information was later on diluted just as much people were in the viewpoint that she said Tonto Dikeh slept using the producer in the movie to obtain the manual component.
Reacting to it, she stated: “People also have some thing to discuss. It does not matter no matter if you say things which are made to encourage folks or otherwise not. Individuals also have a means of creating a mountain peak out from a molehill.
I refused to respond before now because what was reported wasn’t the issues I developed. I was only looking for to inspire people by proclaiming that Nollywood is just not about sexual activity for tasks. So that you can do well, you must know your well really worth so you need to likewise have the ability to hope ceaselessly.

I didn’t say Tonto Dikeh slept with any maker. People will continue to help keep conversing and that’s their difficulty.”
On the reasons folks feel that Calabar girls are hubby snatchers, the Calabar-born actress, said: “I do not feel we (Calabar girls) are husband snatchers, but we know how to keep a man to ourselves.
Some gentlemen don’t like food, so you might struggle to keep him through that, but men like it whenever a lady is clean and naturally great in mattress. A Calabar woman is a mix of all.”


Daughter having sex with father in Enugu State

I’m Nkechi . I are living at Obollo Afor in Udenu LGA of Enugu State with my dad. For security explanation, I may wish to conceal another details while i will not want my dad to be arrested. All I want are good terms on how to get me personally away from what my father dragged me into.
My new mother passed away a decade earlier and because then, father has not remarried. Several have ignorantly praised him for having experienced with this lengthy. They have almost transformed me to his spouse. That’s but the fact. He was adamant, even though i needed tried out very difficult to make him see reason why he should cease the sacrilegious work of slumbering with me.

Well before I obtained entrance into UNN to analyze Mass Communication, all of it started off month or two. As I was getting ready to go out, my dad who is a well known business person walked up to me inside my area and given me an envelope that contains my institution service fees as well as other items that I needed asked for. I excitedly embraced dad who presented unto me for a very long time. I was able to pull myself personally away from his forearms. It is sometimes complicated to mention what exactly daddy explained to me, however it was evident that he or she desired to have me on your bed.
That exact same night, the idea of daddy’s advancements stored ringing on my head, and just as I was pondering, daddy got into my bed room, forced me on your bed. My elder buddy was around but experienced little idea because it was excessive an discomfort to shout over what daddy was carrying out in my opinion. Obviously, he was successful, and that i still left home the subsequent dollars to Nsukka.
The overview is the fact that ever since then, daddy has created it a culture to go to me in class. Despite the fact that I declined to demonstrate him where by was remaining in the beginning, he stated he was just seeking the area to apologize. However, that labeled the start of continual and carried on sexual partnership involving daddy and that i.

I’m carried out with my scientific studies, yet we can not cease making love. I believe Now i take pleasure in having sex with my father.
The hatred for him has all of a sudden dropped, and I’m the individual who is already envious. I never even wish to see any girl close to him since i have received back from college. This kind of believed would only work for couple of minutes, despite the fact that occasionally, it pricks me that what we should are into is very sacrilegious. Daddy is even more booked and cautious than I am. I think Now i have a serious issue. How can i get free from this? Can this confession even help me once i always keep struggling with myself over this issue? Precisely what do I truly do remember to? I need aid!

Rob Kardashian And Blac Chyna Revealed The Sex Of The Baby

Rob and Chyna are in the premiere episode of their reality show revealed the sex of the baby she’s expecting. Rob before visiting the doctor admitted that he is very nervous and eager boy. He is the desire to fulfill?
“We expect a girl!” The examination revealed the doctor and Rob and Chyno became extremely pleased. “Rob, girl!” He said to her fiance Chyna, he she replied: “Oh, this is crazy.”

Blac Chyna unveiled her first baby is girl

“At home they have a boy, right?” He asked the doctor, thereby referring to the son of King Cairo , which has Chyna with the rapper and now Kylie jenner boyfriend Tygo . The question is Rob harvesting in a slightly embarrassing, but the doctor said that this is the first child for him.
“This is joyful moment. The fact that I wanted a boy probably stems from my father. But I think I’m with her daughter set up the same attitude as I had with my father, ” he said, adding that he’s happy because it is a healthy girl.

Now, when gender is finally revealed, but among their fans following question arises – how will a girl named? In one of the conversations on Facebook by one of the followers asked whether to continue the tradition of names beginning with K, but they replied that probably not.

Blac Chyna walks in bizarre sheer black outfit

Blac chyna copy kim kardashian fashion style. Recently she wear bizarre nude bodysuit under black sheer dress. Blac chyna flaunts her pregnancy curves in see-through dress.

7 Things That Excite Women In Bed

We tell you some tips that can help you have sex more pleasurable, and above all, less routine, see note if your partner are looking for new ways to make love, she will make proposals, taking the sexual life of both the next level.

1. Sexual response

You must take into account how the male body responds to the female during sex is very different. The man “wakes up” faster and also falls in the same way. On the other hand women it has a slower start and set to a longer plateau.
Keep this in mind and do not expect your partner will react at the same time and pace that you be patient and neither want to become an endurance race, too prolonged relationship can be uncomfortable.

2. Erogenous zones

The female body is a world filled with even greater possibilities than men. According to sexologists, they can establish erogenous zones, not only in your body but also of their partners. There are times when a woman reaches more eroticized physical contact or oral sex, but this does not mean you should neglect the encouragement of his body.

3. Skin

No doubt this is a part of the body you should know to take advantage, the skin is considered the most important organ in the human body at the time of intercourse. Touching, rubbing or even breathing on it, can be excellent allies to arouse passion in women.

4. Romp

According to experts, there are women who come to take more than half an hour to feel the need for penetration, so it is very important foreplay. Do not try intercourse immediately, play with your partner, seduce her, remember that your entire body can be transformed into a place ‘s erotic.

5. Fulfill fantasies

If your partner confesses that you have a fantasy, it is because he is willing to enjoy sex with you in a different way. Every woman is a different world, so there are all kinds of fantasies, of which some can be very stimulating. One of the most common, is pretend she was a prostitute, but sometimes for fear of the opinion of your partner, not allowed to express it . Let him know that you are an open mind and are willing to fulfill their fantasies.

6. Goodbye manners

While it is true that women like romantic details and educated men, when the bed can change these tastes. Many females are not limited to say “bad words” in their daily lives, nor want to suppress this habit when having sex, even some love to be told risque things, unpleasant, “dirty” and even offensive. You see, in the sexual game is worth everything and times when passion dominates, manners are unnecessary, the important thing is to have fun.

7. More aggressive

Most women surveyed confessed want to have a little more aggressive sex, and not referring only to the language. There were several options given, such as being tied, you standalone and even washed away. It goes without mentioning that this kind of tastes means not directly attack your partner, but may give a slight scratch. Also try changing roles, giving the opportunity for her to be the “aggressor”.

Actress Biodun Okeowo Fall In Love Again

Beautiful and sultry Yoruba actress Biodun Okeowo as called as Omo Butty is fall love again.
The Nollywood big butt actress is mother of two kids has post a love note on social media.

Nollywood curviest actress fall in love again


When good fortune finds you, and you also find someone who causes you to satisfied, tends to make you smile, allows you to neglect all of the pains you’ve at any time undergone, who verify up on you generally to determine if you’re ok, who designer watches out to suit your requirements and wishes the good for you personally in your lifestyle, who adores and respects you, never permit them to go. Men and women such as that take effort and time into the long term by.
There’s generally that you man or lady who you have possessed emotions for ever because the second you first of all met them, she added.
The actress has also had it out with Cyber Bullies. Omo Butty who recently posted an image of on their own utilizing a great keeping robe, utilizing a produce revealing her rear, which she termed as Our god provided, is questioning the bullies to possess energetic and stay far from her situation.
Cyber bullies you need to get occupied! !! Tells me that you’re a bully…do I cut off my God offered gift because it will show anytime I take a picture, the fact that you struck the same pose like I struck In this snapshot and yet your bum rejected to indicate? Niger peeps I wheel o….cyber bullshits never wreck with me…


Sunday, August 21, 2016

David Furnish, Elton John sex scandal: British media forbidden from covering couple

A controversial injunction in the U.K. has the power to put English journalists in jail if they report on David Furnish's alleged longtime affair.

The alleged story goes something like this: Elton John‘s partner and now-husband of 23 years, Canadian David Furnish, has been having a longtime affair with British businessman Daniel Laurence.

According to multiple salacious reports from sources like the tabloid National Enquirer, Furnish had unprotected sex on numerous occasions with Laurence, and Furnish joined Laurence and his husband Pieter Van den Bergh for a Dec. 2011 threesome in a kiddie pool filled with olive oil. (For the record, this might not be an “affair” at all, since John has been clear that his marriage to Furnish is “open,” meaning each of them can have relationships of a sexual nature with other people.)

Sensational, right? Absolutely. Unfortunately for British media, which could very easily seize on this story and blow it up on an immense scale, a controversial injunction in the U.K., brought by John himself, has the power to put English journalists in jail if they report on the story.

“This is an absolute farce,” British MP Philip Davies, a member of the Commons’ justice select committee, told British media.

Before the sordid tale could take off in the U.K., John, 69, secured the court-ordered injunction, which bars any mention of his or Furnish’s names in English (or Welsh) media. Before the Court of Appeal, lawyers for John argued that he and Furnish, 53, always wanted their private life private, having never courted publicity, and that releasing any details about their private sex life would be “devastating.”

Of course, English media have found a workaround (of sorts), attributing story details to a “well-known celebrity couple.” Since there’s no ban in any other country — or on the internet, excluding social media — the identity of the couple is merely a click away.

The story has caused a major ripple in the U.K. about free speech. Free-speech advocates and a number of British members of Parliament, along with the general public, have criticized the injunction. These types of bans have traditionally been frowned upon by the British people, who see them as tools that can be utilized by the rich and powerful to hide their transgressions from the public.

“It is not about the stories they are trying to stop but the absurdity of trying to prevent a free press identifying them when the whole world already knows who they are,” said an editorial in Scotland’s Daily Record.

Indeed, injunctions often defeat the purpose, since in many cases they just attract more attention to the event at hand.

“Should press freedom be curtailed by the rich on the grounds that they don’t want their children to be embarrassed?” asked blogger Paul Staines.

If the injunction is broken by a British media outlet, they could be charged with criminal contempt of court, which could potentially mean jail time. Even citizens who refer to John or Furnish by name on social media are subject to prosecution.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Sex scandal rocks presidency

Abuja - A sex scandal is rocking the Presidency following  allegations that some members of a cabal in the All Progressives Congress are demanding for sex before appointments are made into the presidency.and other key government establishments, reports ashawo reporters
A source within the party who blew the lid on the sex scandal revealed that the cabal has hijacked the nomination and appointment of aides in the presidency for personal gains.
According to the source, the cabal did not follow the list of political appointments drawn by President Muhammadu Buhari.
Also read: Sex scandal: Lawyers want reps to resign or be recalled
The source claimed that majority of those whose names appeared on the cabal’s list and were subsequently approved have not met with the President since they resumed office, adding that the cabal have been collecting cuts from the salaries of the special assistants.
The source noted that some female appointees were allegedly denied  their original positions because they refused to sleep with members of the cabal.
One prominent female appointee that was allegedly denied  her original position of Special Adviser to the President because she  would not sleep with members of the cabal is Lauretta Onochie.
She was allegedly offered Personal Assistant to the President , a position she rejected.
Onochie was in the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential media campaign team.