Tuesday, September 13, 2016

5 Benefits You Get Of Morning Sex

Because, even without knowing the reason, we all love morning . We put good, we are more active all day and function better in our personal relationships.
According to a study by Queen’s University Belfast, in London, The Morning sex improves the quality of life and functioning of body organs.
For best results, the researchers recommend practicing at least three times a week. “The morning sex has several features, all in favor” , says Dr. Walter Ghedin , psychiatrist and sexologist.
According to the study published in the journal New Scientist , during sleep they occur different physiological processes that cleanse the mind of impurities or wastes generated during the day.

Here we leave the 5 main benefits:

1. Increases the defenses

The morning sex generates antibodies that are responsible for immune function and protect us against attack by pathogens.

2. Protects the heart

Having sex to wake prevents cardiovascular disease, improves blood circulation , reduces pressure and decreases the risk of stroke.

3. Help to lose weight

Burns about 300 calories per hour, which serves to lose and maintain body weight.
Also, being a good exercise reduces the risk of diabetes, strengthens bones, joints and muscles and relieves chronic pain such as arthritis or migraine.

4. It makes us attractive

Orgasm increases levels of estrogen and hormones directly related to the brightness and smoothness of the skin. T Ambien is an ally for hair health.

5. Increases testosterone levels

By practicing morning sex, men have an extra benefit: they produce more testosterone. That’s helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

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