Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Lusaka Headteacher Who Lured Pupil With Oranges & Apples For Sex Jailed

A HEADTEACHER of a private school in Lusaka who lured a seven-year-old pupil with oranges and apples before sexually defiling the girl in a classroom has been jailed 30 years with hard labour.
Saul Banda, 49, was hit with the maximum sentence for the crime by Lusaka High Court Judge, Susan Wanjelani yesterday.
Ms Justice Wanjelani said Banda had committed a “heinous and despicable crime” by abusing the minor and the trust the parents had in him as a teacher.
Despite Banda, saying he was sorry for his conduct, the judge said he deserved the maximum sentence and sent him to the gallows for 30 years.Judgement
She said many parents entrusted Banda with their children on grounds that he was running a school, but ended up sexually abusing the girl.
Ms Justice Wanjelani said that the position Banda held, the trust the pupil had in him coupled with the age of the girl were aggravating factors in this matter.
“You committed a heinous and despicable offence against an innocent little girl and betrayed the trust. I, therefore, sentence you to 30 years imprisonment with hard labour,” Ms Justice Wanjelani said
Banda, on the material day, asked the girl to remain behind as the rest of the pupils knocked off and sexually abused her in a classroom after enticing her with oranges and apples.
Banda was convicted of defilement by Lusaka Magistrate Ireen Wishimanga last year in June but she referred him to the High Court for sentencing as her subordinate court had no mandate to decide a
sentence in a crime with a prescribed minimum sentence of 15 years.
Passing judgment in the matter yesterday, Ms Justice Wanjelani said that Banda committed a heinous and despicable offence against an innocent little girl who had trust in him.

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