Tuesday, January 17, 2017

See How a Jealous husband inspects her wifes private parts regularly

A 27-year- old  woman of Kitwe narrated before the Buchi Local Court how her ‘jealous’ husband of seven years inspects her private parts on suspicion that she sleeps with other men in his absence.
This was in a case in which Barbara Musonda sued Phillip Siwale, 34, for reconciliation on grounds that his jealousy is bringing conflict in their marriage.
Musonda complained before senior local court magistrate Nsama Mutono that her husband always inspects her private parts before sleeping with her as a way of proving that she has not slept with other men.
She told the court that she had been living peacefully with her husband from the time the couple got married in 2010, but problems started in 2016 when her husband suddenly became jealous.
Musonda, who is a trader at Chisokone market, complained that even when she buys second-hand clothes from the market, her husband always suspects her of getting them from other men.
But Siwale told the court that he had become jealous because his wife had started receiving mobile phone airtime from unknown people.
He testified that his wife always rushed to other rooms to answer her phone and wondered why this was the case if she had nothing to hide.
Siwale appealed to the court to teach his wife to stop being adulterous.
In reconciling the couple, magistrate Mutono said marriage is love and that love overcomes all human weaknesses.
She advised Musonda to be submissive and truthful to her husband to create trust in their relationship.
“If you know that your husband is suspicious of your shopping, plan and shop together with him. Get permission from him when you want to go somewhere,” she said.
In delivering judgement, magistrate Mutono advised the couple to love and respect each other if their marriage was to flourish.
“Respect your spouse and do not engage in name-calling. Be strong for each other and remember love has no conditions. Forgive, endure and persevere,” magistrate Mutono said.
She also advised Siwale to love his wife whole-heartedly and not conditionally

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