Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I Caught My Wife With A Man Pants Down In Our Bedroom!

The evil of infidelity has wrecked another home again. The 18-year-old marriage between Mr. Aremu Issa and his wife, Fatimoh, has finally hit the rocks over allegations of sexual recklessness, infidelity, fighting, etc.

Probably sensing danger, Fatimoh approached a Grade A Customary Court in Ojo, Lagos seeking for the dissolution of their marriage. She claimed her husband was in the habit of beating her, threatening her life and depriving she and their children of care.

Insisting that she no longer love her husband again, the mother of five narrated how their problem started: “I met my husband at Ojo Alaba in 1994. We started as friends and later we got married. But he never told me that he was already married to another woman. 

"When I found out, I was angry with him and contemplated quitting the union but my family members kicked against it, so I had to accept my fate.

"After some time, he married two other women; thus increasing his number of wives to four; in same house. Yet, he would never take care of our needs or that of our children. He also had a penchant for beating women. He is an unrepentant woman beater. He beats me into coma most times and in many cases, our fights usually get settled by the police," she said.

Fatimoh disclosed that she had parked out of their matrimonial home for fear of her life, and pleaded with the court to grant her prayers and dissolve the marriage.

However, Olufamous gathered that the story changed when Mr. Issa was called to the box to state his own side of the story. The husband described his estranged wife as a cheap liar.

Hear him: “Our landlord gave us quit notice in our former house because of Fatimoh’s fondness for brining in several men into the compound as well as her habit of fighting and stirring up quarrels amongst the neighbours. She even went as far as fighting the landlords’ son.

"I never took the rumors about her love for anything in trousers serious until we moved into our personal house. I came back one night to meet a man naked in her bedroom; she told me the man came to help her do something. But her excuse was baseless because the man was naked with only his boxer shorts on. I quickly seized his clothes and he ran out of the house semi naked. Then I faced my wife, we fought seriously...

"I have been trying to be patient and tolerant but she seemed to be taking advantage of that as my weakness. Since she has dragged me to the court seeking the dissolution of the union, I can’t force her to live with me. I am equally tired of this our absurd union. I want it severed but I want custody of all my children." 

 gathered that members of the court headed by Alhaji T.A. Said observed that the marriage had broken beyond repair. Their union was dissolved while Mr. Issa and Fatimoh were directed to go to a family court to appeal for the custody of their kids.

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